Internal Program Transfer Policy

Policy Statement

New York Tech Vancouver is committed to offering students the flexibility to pursue their educational goals within the institution. This policy outlines the requirements and procedures for students who wish to transfer internally from one academic program to another.


This policy applies to all currently enrolled students wishing to transfer between academic programs within New York Tech Vancouver.

Policy Criteria

  1. Eligibility: Applicants must be current students of New York Tech Vancouver who seek to transfer from one program to another within the institution.
  2. Admissions Requirements: Applicants must meet all the admissions requirements of the program to which they wish to transfer. This includes, but is not limited to, prerequisite courses, GPA, English proficiency, and any specific program criteria.
  3. Admission Requirements and Discretionary Elements: Admission to the program is contingent upon meeting all specified admission requirements. Discretionary elements, such as letters of recommendation or personal statements, will not be evaluated for students who do not meet these admission requirements. For students who do meet the admission requirements, program deans will still consider such discretionary elements as part of the comprehensive evaluation process for internal program transfers. However, meeting admission requirements does not guarantee the program dean’s approval for the transfer, as the final decision will include a holistic review of mandatory and discretionary components and program space.
  4. English Proficiency: Applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements for the program they wish to transfer into. Proof of valid English proficiency must be provided at the time of transfer application. IELTS and TOEFL scores are valid for 2 years.
  5. Program Requirements: Applicants who do not meet the minimum program requirements, including the English language requirements supported by an IELTS or TOEFL score not more than 2 years old at the time of transfer request for the desired program, will not be considered for transfer and will be denied.


1. Application Submission

  • Students must submit the internal program transfer form to the office of admissions, including any required documentation, by the specified deadline.
  • The application must include valid English proficiency test results and official transcripts.

2. Evaluation

  • Admissions will evaluate transfer applications.
  • Evaluations will be based on the applicant’s fulfillment of the stated admissions requirements of the desired program, including specific English language requirements.
  • Where an applicant meets all admissions requirements, the office of admissions will forward the transfer application to the program dean for final evaluation, approval or denial.

3. Communication

  • The program dean’s decision will be communicated to admissions, the bursar, and the registrar’s office.
  • The registrar’s office will then notify the applicant of the decision in writing.

4. Non-Consideration

  • If an applicant does not meet the minimum program requirements, including English language requirements, the admissions office will notify the applicant of the denial without evaluation by the program dean.

5. Record Keeping

  • The registrar’s office will maintain a record of all decisions and correspondence regarding internal program transfer applications.


  • Applicant:Responsible for submitting a complete and timely application with all required documentation, including proof of meeting English Language Requirements.
  • Program Dean: Responsible for the evaluation of transfer applications based on the program’s admissions requirements, including English Language Requirements.
  • Admissions Office:Receives and reviews applications and forwards those which meet entry requirements to the appropriate program dean for evaluation.
  • Registrar’s Office: Communicates the decision to the applicant and maintains records of the process.

Contact Information

For questions or more information regarding this policy, please contact:

This policy and its related procedures are subject to periodic review and changes. Updates will be communicated through official channels and reflected in the document revision history.

Revision Table

VersionDate of ChangeDescription of ChangeApproved by
1.0Jan 23, 2024Policy drafted following academic meetingG. Gerber
1.1Jan 29, 2024Draft approved into policyI. Young