Mature Students Policy

In seeking the best and brightest students, New York Tech-Vancouver recognizes the value of some exceptional individuals’ non-academic achievements and life experiences. In exceptional cases, individuals who do not meet the minimum basic requirements for admission but believe they have met those admission requirements through non-academic means can apply as a mature student. 

Mature students who have been away from full-time formal education for at least four years may submit an application along with supporting documents for consideration. New York Tech reserves the right to determine whether or not an applicant is classified as “mature.” Additionally, applicants to programs with prerequisite requirements will need to illustrate their meeting of required learning objectives. 


To be considered “mature students,” applicants must: 

  • Be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Be at least 25 years old.
  • Be out of school for at least four years before the commencement of their studies in the program. 
  • Have at least four years’ work experience in a relevant role in industry, academia, or government. 
  • Demonstrate proficiency in prior knowledge requirements for the desired field of study. 

Application Procedure

In addition to completing the New York Tech-Vancouver’s standard admissions process, individuals applying as a mature student must submit the following documentation: 

  • Resume 
  • Prior Learning Portfolio, detailing specifically how their prior work experience fulfills the regular admission requirements that they lack 
  • Recommendation letter(s) from previous employer(s)
  • Application fee, if required 

Application approvals are granted at the discretion of the Vancouver Associate Dean for the program and/or the admission committee. Final approval of a mature student application is at the discretion of the Associate Campus Dean, Academic.