International Recruitment Compliance Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that New York Institute of Technology (“NYIT”), in its recruitment of international students for the NYIT Vancouver Campus, maintains compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies, including those of Canada, British Columbia, the United States, and the countries where international students are being recruited, in order not only to avoid the risks of non-compliance for the institution, but importantly to protect the prospective students. Applicable laws, regulations, and policies include, without limitation, those issued by the British Columbia Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills and Degree Quality Assessment Board, Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Global Affairs Canada (GAC), and the ministries of education in the countries where students are being recruited.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all NYIT employees involved in the recruitment of international students

3. Policy Procedures

Whenever the Vancouver recruitment team expands its recruitment efforts to a new country not on the admissions list, the team will consult in advance with the Dean and Executive Director of the NYIT Vancouver campus, the NYIT Vice President for Enrollment, the NYIT General Counsel, and the NYIT Vice President for Financial Operations & CEO. Recruiting activities in a new country shall not commence until clearance is obtained from these individual

Whenever the Vancouver admissions team receives an application from a country not on the admissions list, they will notify General Counsel and obtain clearance before further processing the application.

The admissions list of countries will be provided to General Counsel once per year for review to ensure that no countries have subsequently received sanctions from GAC or OFAC.

Vancouver administration will ensure that deferral and tuition deposit refund policies are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations and that NYIT fully complies with those policies.

Effective Date: May 1, 2024
Last Updated: May 9, 2024